
Home Based Role Play For Kids Teaches Life Skills

Kids love cute keychains pretending. Whether superheroes, spies, firemen or Harry Potter, pretending you are someone else is something kids can do with very little outside structure or assistance and can focus on for hours, sometimes using only a few sticks and bits of cut-up paper.Some forms of role play can not only be enjoyable and entertaining but also get kids thinking about some of the necessary things we all need to do in our lives. From kitchen play to dressing up in mum and dad's clothes and going to "work" putting themselves in the place of grown-ups starts kids on the road to making decisions about their future lives and how they would like it to be.While pretending is not meant to be a serious thing like setting them nail glitter on the path to become a doctor or accountant, it certainly plants a few seeds in young minds about the handgrip yellow kinds of things grown-ups do and whether it is appealing to them.Its also a whole heap of fun! You can help your kids start to think beyond their own present lives of school and toys by simply having a box of dress up clothes in the corner of the room, and if possible a mirror where they can see themselves. Once dressed up kids will do the rest. They will take on personas other than their own, based on those they have seen around them, from television and their own lives.Enacting other lives is eye opening for kids and when they interact with other kids who are also role playing some serious learning happens. How grown-ups interact with each other is often vastly different form how kids interact and it's surprising how much kids pick up from watching others.You don't need much to get kids interested but if you can have a few props and "sets" then their absorption in the role play will be that much more enhanced and allow them to really see themselves in another light.

