
Network Marketing Industry History Watches

My first exposure to the network marketing industry was way back in 1980 when I was in High School. Good IWC Watches old Olympus High in Salt Lake City, Utah. First Oris Watches of all come to find out, Utah happens to be the network marketing capitol of the world. Anyway back to my story. Here I am in high school and there's a couple of guys that introduced e to a company called NuSkin. NusKin was just starting out in those days and it seemed like everyone was talking about them. These two brothers got into NuSkin and although I wasn't interested in network marketing at the time, I did want to take note of the events that I witnessed.These guys struck it big in NuSkin. Now there are some mitigating factors involved, but the skinny of it is that one of these two brothers was Chopard involved with one of the owners and founders of NuSkin. They had so much freakin money it was ridiculous. Limousines, private jets, and oh yes they even purchased an old building and turned it into one of the best nightclubs Watches in town. They called it The Powerplant. Probably because the old building used to be a power plant. The power Rado Watches plant was a styling place and all of the locals would go there and party. I remember gong there and I can't remember how much money we spent, but I know it was a lot because we were using my best friends mom's dog's gold card to charge everything and when I woke up the next day I had some girl in my house that did not want to leave.Now back in the 80's it was quite wild times and the parties would seem to last for months on end. Especially when you had a never ending stream of money coming in that you couldn't even spend if you tried to. That's right. These guys had more money that they couldn't have spent it all. More money coming in each month than one could spend seems like a pretty darn good problem.Money did not solve all their problems however, and the partying and lifestyle they were living soon caught up to them. Tragedy struck and one of the brothers overdosed one night, and the other brother soon killed himself. The gal that was involved in the relationship is still around, but I hear tale that the old timers in New Skin had her cut off from the money flow, just because of her lack of responsibility around it all. Kind of a sad ending I would say, but let me tell you they were shooting stars at one time.Now I know this doesn't give a very complete history about the network marketing industry, but it does give you a view from someone who was there when NuSkin was just getting started and it gives you a kind of idea about some of the money that can be involved in the network marketing industry.To find out more about the Network Marketing Industry History, be sure to check out the resource box and follow the links therein. Thanks for reading this article, and for those of you who would like to learn more, check the resource box and follow the links now.

